Zone 2 training for CrossFitters - Runninig

Zone 2 Training to be a great CrossFitter

CrossFit is renowned for its high-intensity workouts, designed to push your limits and maximize your performance. However, while these workouts are great for building power, strength, and stamina, they can also be very taxing on the body over time. That’s where Zone 2 training comes in—a vital, often underutilized tool to balance the intensity of CrossFit and enhance overall fitness and General Physical Preparedness (GPP).

What is Zone 2 Training?

Zone 2 training refers to working at a low to moderate intensity, typically at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. It’s often referred to as “fat-burning” or “aerobic” training, and is characterized by steady, sustainable efforts like running, rowing, or cycling at a pace where you can still carry on a conversation.

Why Zone 2 Matters for CrossFit Athletes

  1. Improves Aerobic Capacity
    Zone 2 training helps build a stronger aerobic base. This is crucial because a well-developed aerobic system increases your endurance and allows you to recover faster between high-intensity workouts. The more efficient your body becomes at utilizing oxygen, the better you’ll perform in longer WODs, Hero workouts, or even just during regular training sessions where endurance is key.
  2. Promotes Fat Utilization
    Training in Zone 2 enhances the body’s ability to use fat as fuel, rather than relying solely on glycogen (carbs). This is a game-changer for CrossFitters, who often require a lot of energy throughout a workout. By improving fat metabolism, you conserve glycogen stores, enabling you to push harder when it’s time to up the intensity.
  3. Enhances Recovery
    High-intensity CrossFit workouts can be demanding on the body, leading to muscle soreness and fatigue. Zone 2 training, being low-impact and sustainable, promotes active recovery by increasing blood flow to muscles without overtaxing them. Regular sessions of low-intensity work can help you recover faster between intense CrossFit workouts, allowing for more consistent training and progress.
  4. Reduces the Risk of Overtraining
    Too much high-intensity work without balance can lead to burnout, injury, and overtraining. Incorporating Zone 2 sessions into your routine ensures you’re getting valuable training without overloading your central nervous system. It’s a way to stay active and work on your fitness while giving your body a break from the high-stress demands of intense CrossFit workouts.
  5. Supports Longevity in Fitness
    CrossFit focuses on functional fitness, preparing you for anything life throws your way. A solid aerobic base built through Zone 2 training supports overall cardiovascular health, allowing you to maintain a high level of fitness well into the future. This not only boosts your WOD performance but also promotes long-term health and vitality.
  6. Mental Benefits
    High-intensity CrossFit workouts are as much a mental challenge as they are physical. Zone 2, on the other hand, allows for a more meditative state. The steady, rhythmic nature of this training promotes mental clarity and can serve as a break from the competitive, fast-paced environment of the box.

How to Incorporate Zone 2 Training into Your CrossFit Routine

  • Start Small: If you’re new to Zone 2 training, begin with 20-30 minutes of steady cardio (running, biking, rowing) a couple of times per week. Keep the pace comfortable enough that you can maintain a conversation.
  • Use Active Recovery Days: On rest days or lighter training days, incorporate Zone 2 sessions to stay active while promoting recovery.
  • Combine Modalities: Mix up your Zone 2 training to keep it interesting—row one day, bike the next, or go for a long hike. This variety keeps your body adapting and prevents boredom.
  • Monitor Your Heart Rate: Invest in a heart rate monitor to ensure you’re staying within the correct Zone 2 range (60-70% of your max heart rate). For most people, this is a pace where you’re working but not straining.


While CrossFit’s high-intensity workouts are central to improving strength, speed, and power, Zone 2 training offers the balance needed to optimize endurance, recovery, and overall fitness. Incorporating Zone 2 sessions into your routine will not only help you avoid burnout but will also make you a more well-rounded, capable athlete. The key to sustainable CrossFit success is balance—and Zone 2 training provides exactly that.

Stay consistent, and you’ll notice the difference in your energy levels, recovery, and ability to take on the toughest WODs with confidence!

If you’re ready to take the next step toward improving your fitness and overall health, we’d love to help! Book a No Sweat Intro with us at CrossFit Fortis, where we’ll sit down to discuss your personal goals, fitness background, and how we can create a plan that works best for you. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up your current routine, we’re here to guide you toward success—no pressure, just a friendly conversation about how we can support your journey to a healthier, fitter you!